

2022-06-02 07:11

cover可以用作动词释义之一 An insurance policy that covers a person or thing guarantees that money will be paid by the insurance company in relation to that person or thing. 保险

例句 Their insurer paid the $900 bill, even though te policy did not cover it. 他们的保险公司赔付了他们$900,尽管保单并没有严格保到此项。

cover可以作名词释义之一 something that is a cover for secret or illegal activities seems respectable or normal, and is intended to hide the activities. 掩护

例句 He ran a construction company as a cover for drug dealing. 他经营了一家建筑公司,作为毒品交易的掩护。

短语有from cover to cover 从头到尾

例子 She read the book from cover to cover. 她从头到尾读了这本书。

cover up 掩盖

例子 He suspects there's conspiracy to cover up the crime. 他怀疑有掩盖这桩罪行的阴谋。

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